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Settling into my new life in Dominican Republic

I can’t believe we are officially in the last quarter of 2024! As I reflect on the last nine months of the year and get ready to conquer the remainder that’s to come, I think one thing is for sure: 

Change has been the theme of my year. 

It is something I’ve always embraced, even if, at times, I led myself to believe I should fear it.  

Change doesn’t always come easy, and most of the time, it stretches us in unimaginable ways, but I find that when we take the time to notice and pause for change, we see the beauty of it all. 

This month’s editor’s note fills you in on exactly this! 

Click the button below to have a listen.


Hello Friends!

Welcome to the last quarter of 2024. It’s going to be a longer one today, so I hope you grab your coffee and settle in somewhere cozy for a listen. And happy Sunday, by the way!

As you can imagine, with our move to D.R. came another season of change. I feel like all I’ve been doing forever now is talking about change, but really, life can pass you by in an instant. I talk about this all the time, and over the last year and a half, the amount of change I’ve experienced, if I’m being honest, has been, at times, unbearable. But the last two months have truly solidified new beginnings, some quiet reflection (and you know I love reflecting), and lots of growth.

As I sit here in our temporary apt, talking to you, it continues to settle in that this chapter has arrived. After months of chaos and preparation, we’re finally here, and honestly, there are days it still doesn’t feel real. And yes, being close to the ocean is as surreal as I imagined – I still can’t even believe it, but I think what has been most surprising is how settling into this new life feels less like a dramatic shift and more like slipping into something familiar—like it was waiting for us all along.

You know, like when you go somewhere you’ve never been to or see someone you’ve never met, yet somehow you say confidently to yourself, “I’ve been here before” or “I’ve definitely met this person in the past.” It’s been that same feeling. A feeling of knowing but one I can’t quite put my finger on other than to say, I’ve arrived at a place that feels like home.

And, of course, with any big move, there’s been lots of growing pains. From searching for land (oh, my gosh!) to building our next home to the everyday things like actually going to the supermarket. Yes, that means no more delivered Amazon Whole Foods orders.

Okay, side note, because I really want to talk about this – I’ve realized just how much I missed going to the supermarket. Of course, it’s not lost on me the privilege of not only being able to afford Whole Foods groceries (it’s damn expensive!) but also to place orders from the comfort of my home. But what I’ve discovered here is that there’s a different kind of privilege in being able to go out and select my own food. With my own eyes, see it. With my own hands, feel it. To read the ingredients, to touch and smell the veggies, to wander the aisles, and choose what feels right for me at that very moment. I’m finding that the latter approach aligns more with the stage of life I’m in right now. That’s not here nor there. Just something I wanted to share.

Okay, back to it…

In many ways, this move has been the next phase of my own wellness journey. A big part of why we chose the Dominican Republic was because it aligns so well with the life I’ve been trying to live for years now—one that feels intentional, nourishing, and aligned to my cultural roots, and I know I’ve talked about it with you at times. It’s why we chose it, but now it’s become so much bigger to me. 

It’s become this daily reminder that the choices we make—where we live, what we eat, and how we move—are all part of how we honor ourselves.

Being here makes me think about how far I’ve come in my journey to prioritize myself. It’s not just about what I’m eating; it’s about how I’m living – day in and day out. This new chapter feels like a culmination of years of small, intentional changes that have now opened the door to something bigger and more fulfilling.

Through it all, I’m practicing the only way I know how – through gratitude. I’ve found that when in a period of transition, it’s easy for us to get caught up in the unknowns and the what-ifs. But I try to remind myself to find joy in the small moments—the things I dreamt up for what seemed like forever and now get to do and be on an everyday basis. These are the things that help me stay grounded, reminding me why we made this move in the first place.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be here, to experience the new, and to continue growing in ways I hadn’t expected. I talk about this as well – Change is something I embrace and truly believe; it is full of beauty if you take the time to pause and notice it. So, I remind myself that transitions are supposed to stretch us, to make us reflect on what we hold close and what we’re ready to let go of.

So, now it is time for me to exercise the power of letting go.

It wasn’t easy to sell our home, leave the U.S., and say goodbye to all the familiar routines we’d built. But with every decision we made, and I say this honestly, I realized that letting go wasn’t just about leaving things behind—it was about making space for something new.

Oh, that got me.

And as scary as it was or is, that act of letting go allowed us to welcome in all the possibilities that lie ahead. The ones I’m so grateful to be experiencing right now as I talk to you.

I’ll leave you with this: Sometimes, the greatest acts of self-care aren’t just about what you hold onto but about what you release.

I’ll say it again because I had to re-read it myself when I was journaling it: Sometimes, the greatest acts of self-care aren’t just about what you hold onto but about what you release.

As always, I’m grateful for your support on this journey. Thank you for every message, every DM, and every word of encouragement you have sent my way. It reminds me that I’m not alone in this adventure, and I can’t wait to share more with you as we continue to settle into this new life of mine.

Until next month, bye. 

Image Credit: Pinterest // Design and photography unknown.


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